What Can You Learn from Source a and Source B About Changing Attitudes Towards Crime Involving Religious Beliefs

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1) What can you learn from Sources A and B about changing attitudes to crimes involving religious beliefs? Source A shows how during the middle ages how strongly society believed that your religion should be dictated and if you did not believe in the religion that they told you to then there would be severe consequences. However Source B shows that the changes to crimes involving religious beliefs have now become un-acceptable and society has become more equal over periods of time. 2) Transportation as an alternative to execution, c1660. Transportation was introduced because the authorities believed that it was a cheap and easy way to eliminate criminals from the country. This was a better alternative because 3) Why did the bloody code end in the mid-nineteenth century? There reason why the bloody code ended in the mid-nineteenth century was because there were alternative punishments introduced. In the 1700’s transportation 6) Describe the treatment and punishment of someone accused of witchcraft in the seventeenth century During the seventeenth century there may have been various reasons for why someone may have been accused for a witch. For example, if you had a pet then you may have had accusations of it being a ‘familiar,’ or if you had a strange marking or wart on you body then it would be known as the ‘devils mark.’ After being trialed and tested whether the or not this consisted of interrogation for days and the ‘swimming’ test. If you failed these examinations then people were usually hanged. Many others died when communities carried out unofficial trials such as ‘swimming’ tests. B) How different was the treatment of conscientious objectors in the First World War and in the Second World War? During the first world war if you was a conscientious objectors then you would be harassed: mentally, economically, politically and

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