What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Process and Outcome Measures of Quality?

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Outcome and Process Measurements of Quality Crystal Campbell American Intercontinental University Online Outcome and Process Measurements of Quality Healthcare organizations need to have processes and outcome measures for quality improvement. These measures of quality within the healthcare organization are what are used to monitor the performance of the organization along with the staff. The information obtained from the measurements can be used either internally for quality improvement or it can be used externally for reporting. This information can also be used for sanction or reward. Meaning that if the organization is below the measurement objectives then there could be consequences, whereas if the organization is above the measurement objectives for quality they could gain rewards. (AHRQ, n.d.) Focusing on the outcomes of the measurements help healthcare organizations to go in the right direction to reach their goals. An advantage to outcome measures would be that it promotes the use of a whole system rather than a fragmented one. By having all departments work together to obtain a common goal like the patients’ health status rather than just focusing on specific interventions. Outcome measurements also have another advantage of supporting innovation such as technologies and new procedures. Healthcare organizations encourage their staff to explore and pursue technology and innovations that will enhance not only quality but the overall outcome. The focus on processes in this area can become more of a habitual approach that will inhibit only the search for new modes of care not the usage of it. The outcomes being measured often times encourage the adoption of technology that will have long-term benefits, rather than biased patch up technology that will just work for the time being and ultimately obtain worse results in the long run. Many times

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