Wendell Berry's Poem 'The Peace Of Wild Things'

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Ansley Rehorn March 1, 2010 Class: Tuesday/ Thursday @2 Poetry Explication Essay “The Peace of Wild Things” “The Peace of Wild Things” is a poem that uses a unique approach of words to explains a fathers worries about his family and life’s challenges, and how he gets peace at night. The Author, Wendell Berry, is an American Author who writes non fiction pieces that speak of lifes values. The speaker or narrator in this poem is a father who cares for her children but seeks to find peace. What I received from this poem is that the narrator is a man because of the words he uses and how he mentions that he protects his children. When I think of protection, I think of a man, such as my father, because a father is who many go to for…show more content…
Berry uses poetic diction to make the reader wonder and think in a differant way and view feeling and emotions with a complex use of words, so that the reader will look more into the real meaning of his work. In the first two lines the narrator, which is the father says, “When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the lease of sound”. I feel he says this because he is the protector in the house and has to be alert at all times.These first two lines give the reader a glimpse of the narrator’s persona and what he is feeling, and his purpose. In the third line, “in fear of what my life and my children’s lives might be”, he is in fear of what his life and his children’s lives might be. . This really gives us as the readers the feeling of stress she is living with. I don’t quite know what exact he is worried about, if it’s money, health, or their future, but whichever it is, it is keeping him awake and in need to find peace. In the fourth and fifth line, “I go and lie down where the wood drake rest in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds”, he states where he goes when he wakes at night. Having him tell us where he goes, tells us that he has a place where he is able to go She states that she goes somewhere to lie down and this gives us clue that she is able to get away from her…show more content…
Its descriptive language gave me the opportunity to see what is going on in the poem by Windell Berry. This poem is a good example of how sometimes we need a break from stress, and that we can find the relief of stress in natures beauty. Throughout the poem the author the uses poetic diction to describe the narrators senses and views on earths nature.Windell Berry knows how to create a detailed desciption to give the reader an idea of what objects look like in detail even though the reader is not able to see them in actuality. He really wanted to signify tranquility with the words that he chose. “The Peace of Wild Things” is a poem written by American poet Wendell Berry. I feel Wendell Berry uses a unique approach of words to express the feelings and emotions in “The Peace of Wild Things”. I believe the speaker is a father who is stressing over life’s challenges to support and provide for his family. The poem expresses what the father is feeling as he awakes in the middle of the night and what he does to release his stress. Works
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