Comparative Research Disadvantages

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Weaknesses of Causal Comparative Two weaknesses in causal-comparative research are lack of randomization and inability to manipulate an independent variable. A major threat to the internal validity of a causal-comparative study is the possibility of a subject selection bias. The chief procedures that a researcher can use to reduce this threat include matching subjects on a related variable or creating homogeneous subgroups, and the technique of statistical matching. Other threats to internal validity in causal-comparative studies include location, instrumentation, and loss of subjects. In addition, type 3 studies are subject to implementation, history, maturation, attitude of subjects, regression, and testing threats. . The Weaknesses of Causal-Comparative Research: There are three major limitations of causal-comparative research. These include, (a) lack of control or the inability to manipulate independent variables methodologically, (b) the lack of power to assign subjects randomly to groups and (c) the danger of inappropriate interpretations. The lack of randomization, manipulation, and control factors make it difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships with any degree of confidence. The statistical techniques used to compare groups in a causal-comparative research include…show more content…
In causal comparative research, the researcher has limited control over the study and extreme caution must be applied in interpreting results. This is because the groups are already formed at the beginning of the study. An apparent cause-effect relation may not be as it appears. The alleged cause of an observed effect may in fact be the effect itself, or, a third variable may have caused both the apparent cause and the effect. In other words, an observed relationship between variable A and B can mean that A causes B, B causes B, or a third variable C causes both A and
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