Water Wars Essay

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WATER WARS 1. What markets should pepsi target for Aquafina? Aquafina used a strategy that aimed all consumer groups without a market segmentation and targeting which was absolutely logical because all humanbeings have to consume water in order to survive. However, if they targeted a special type of consumer type it should be middle-aged, well educated middle or high class people. Middle aged people should be the target group because teenagers would not choose to pay for water while they could use tap water and elder could experience difficulties with changing their old habits. Moreover the reason why they should choose well educated and middle or high class people is the fact that they could understand the importance of consuming double filtered water and they could afford it. 2. What recommendations would you make for advertising objectives, message strategy, and message execution for Aquafina? Besides emphisize on pureness with using phrases like “ Pure Nothing”, Pepsi could put the health issue forward. In other words, they can clearly explain why people use bottled water instead of tap water in their ads. 3. What advertising media recommendations would you make for Aquafina, and how would you evaluate the effectiveness of those media and your advertising? Since they did not target a specific group of costumers. They should use media tools that could reach a great number costumers such as TV or radio. 4. What sales promotion and public relations recommendations would you make for Aquafina? Pepsi should use promotion tactics like giving Aquafina free when someone purchase another Pepsi product or making discounts when a costumer buy more than a number of bottles. Being sponsor for a sport organization was a good idea which is done by Pepsi for fostering public relationship. However, they can use charity PR strategies such as
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