Water Stress in Egypt

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Water stress in Egypt problems and solutions Egypt is currently facing many water challenges, that will become more and more challenging, if not properly anticipated with some innovative ideas and possible solutions. The major concerns about the water supplies in Egypt include the rapidly growing population, the leaking water pipe system, the evaporation of water from the Nile river and other reservoirs, climate change and the the threat posed by downstream countries that want to take more water from the Nile, and have development plans including the construction of dams which will eventually diminish Egypt’s share in the Nile water. Egyptians have to start thinking of solutions and take measurements, not only to counter all those problems, but to also come up with new ideas, and create new options and futuristic ideas for water supplies, via the implementing of new technology and doing research. A first measure to tackle this problem should be to spread awareness to the population. Egyptians have to adapt to less water every day. They need to learn how to make their household usage more efficient and conservative. Another way to approach this problem is to look for ways to prevent water loss due to evaporation. This could be achieved by tunneling all the small water channels, and possibly looking for ways to cover all the major fresh water reservoirs. The task of conserving water can also be conquered on a smaller scale, beginning with small improvements in the system of piping and infrastructure to conserve some of that water lost due to leakage. Another solution to this problem, which tackles a different aspect of water scarcity, is to compose new multinational treaties to specify water sharing, and the construction of dams, that would be monitored by international law. Finally, one possible innovative solution to create new

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