Water Pollution in Nigeria Related to Bio

598 Words3 Pages
1. Q: True or False (easy) Water pollution disrupts food chains. A: Yes. Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Pollutant s such as lead or oil are eaten by animals. Later hese animals are cinsumed by bigger organisms and the fiid chain continues to be disrupted at higher levels. 2. Q: How are humans affected by water pollution? (medium) A: Humans are affected by this process because they can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. 3. Q: Do toxins consumed by fish affect their productive sucess? (hard) A: Yes, industrial wastes often carry toxic compounds. That damage the bhealth of aquatic animals, including their repoductive systems. 4. Q: Water pollution kills more: (medium) a) animals than humans b) humans than animals c) plants than humans A: a. Water pollution affects a whole community and habitat and can cause irreparable damage to manh ecosystems. 5) Q: Can water pollution lead to extinction of some spieces? (medium) A: yes, this was the case with the Yangtze River Dolphin. 6) Q: True or False (medium) Water pollution also affects those spieces in air e.g. birds. A: true. Water pollution impacts the air as some of the pollutants evaporate into the air and birds also eat fish which pass on the toxins from the fish to the birds. 7) Q: Are there natural indicators in the environment that can detect water pollution? (hard) A: yes. Algae is abacteria that can detect water qualitybecause of their nutrient needs, rapid reproduction rate and very short life cycle. 8. Q: Multiple Choice (hard) Water pollution may disrupt: a. cell growth and reproduction (mitosis) b. water flow and currents C. photosynthesis in aqautic plants A: c. This affects the ecosystems that depend on these plants. 9. Q: Name two usual methods of waste disposal in Nigeria and explain why this is bad to their

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