Wasteful Government Spending

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Wasteful Government Spending A major problem today in the United States government is agreeing on a balanced federal budget. When a government cannot balance its budget or it spends more money in a year than it receives in revenues, a deficit occurs. One reason congressional leaders cannot come to terms on a balanced federal budget is because of the wasteful government spending that occurs. Congressional leaders believe that some government programs should be passed on to state and local governments while others believe the programs are inefficient, mismanaged; outdated and unnecessary programs that should be eliminated. In order to manage these problems, Congress will need to make hard, necessary changes that will affect all people so the government can run more efficiently. Education assistance is one government program that should be administered by the state and local governments. Each state can set its own educational programs to financially support its institutions. By reducing the federal governments' footprint on education, state leaders would be able to direct more funding to the most pressing educational needs. States have the ability to manage these programs more effectively than the federal government is currently doing. For years lawmakers have tried to reform education and have failed. The only known successes have come from state and local levels of government. They have bridged the gap between students and academic achievements. Now is the time for the federal government to relinquish its hold on educational policy and pass it down to the state and local levels of government. Many government programs are inefficient and mismanaged, which encourage fraudulent use of the benefits provided. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamp Program, allows individuals to buy

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