Was Alexander The Great a Genious Or Brutal

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Simge Güzelel Güzelel 1 HCIV101/13 Elvin OTMAN Written Paper Assignment Topic: Was Alexander the Great a brutal warrior or genius? Analyze the state ideals and actions of Alexander the Great, his wars, conquests and socio-cultural program in details. Alexander was born on the sixth of Hecatombaeon (20th July 356 BC) and at the same time the temple of Diana at Ephesus was burned, because, as Hegeias assumed, goddess Diana was busy with the birth of Alexander. While at Ephesus the fire in temple was perceived as a misfortune by seers and magi; Philip and his fortune tellers were celebrating three victories of Philip and the birth of Alexander. And fortune tellers were saying that Alexander who was born in the midst of three victories, must become invincible. Likewise, he became the world wide known, almost invincible king of Macedonia as fortune tellers said. He expanded Macedonian borders from Macedonia to Asia Minor and Egypt, and Mesopotamia, and then Persia until Indus River. He bounded together such a vast land together successfully. Even if he died at the age of 32, he had always been a successful and genius statesman, commander and contributor to the socio-cultural life rather than brutal warrior so that he became Alexander the Great. Being a successful statesman is not a surprising feature of Alexander the Great since he bound such a vast land together as an empire with his genius mind with no brutality but tolerance. Firstly, Alexander was a genius in terms of politics because his decisions which are consulted wise men or which are taken by himself was generally successful. For example, when Alexander vanquished the Persian ruler Dorius and took the Iran, the existence of Iran princes disturbed him and he was confused about whether to

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