Volcano's Vs. Tornados

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How I always win: An argument about Volcano’s vs. Tornado’s And how people need to learn to not argue with me. Here is my rebuttal to the point of wanting different things in being a natural disaster. Your words not mine, “would you rather be the tornado or the volcano? and yes, theres a right answer.” You initially state the fact that there is a right answer in what I WANT to be. If there is a correct and incorrect answer therefore all factors need to be taken into account. So while you may have different reasoning for why you want to be a natural disaster, i.e. wanting to smack someone specific with karma, that alone cannot be the only consideration in determining which is the right answer overall. We are talking for the general public because when you state that there is a correct answer to a quesiton deployed to the population you have to have staunt empirical evidence to support it, which you do not. Your reasoning only attributes to you so how is there a correct answer? I backed up my point with the understanding of applying to more of the masses. So far in conversations I have had it has been 11 to 3 people wanting to be Volcano’s over Tornados. When asked it is because Tornados have a negative stigma attached to them of destroying peoples lives that are good hard working people. At least majority of the time the people I am destroying are just idiots who lived close enough to a volcano. I mean seriously if you are that dumb you should be wiped off the planet. So you believe that we are arguing two entirely different points of belief is invalid, we are arguing what is the correct answer for EVERYONE because if there is a correct answer then it has to be able to apply to the majority. We are arguing which is more of the correct answer for the MAJORITY not just for you. On to your points which you concede early you have no idea how to beat me
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