Vocabulary In Of Mice And Men

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Vocabulary Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 Relish: Characteristic Flavor George thought the chicken had a relish flavor to it. Scowled: Frown in an angry or bad tempered way Lennie kept touching the mouse and noticed George had an unpleasant scowled face. Mollified/mollify: to calm in temper or feeling George tries to mollify his temper around Lennie because the lack of intelligence he has. Pugnacious: readily disposed to fight Curley felt insulted from Lennie and became pugnacious about it. Calculating: selfishly scheming Curley kept calculating at Lennie. Gingerly: cautious or careful Lennie was never gingerly around animals instead he was rough. Skeptically: marked by or given to doubt Candy skeptically thought at about Curley’s offer. Ominously: menacing or threatening Lennie took Crooks saying about George…show more content…
George says Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse. 2. Pugnacious: inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative. Curly was described as pugnacious. 3. Candy thinks Curley’s wife is a tool, she's unfaithful, and so she goes looking for other men. 4. Carlson complains about the smell of Candy's old sheepdog and tells Slim that Candy should put it out of its misery. 5. The stable buck is set apart from the other men because they separated him because of his race. The black guy is the stable buck and when the boss gets mad he puts all his anger upon him. The white workers have more advantage over the crooks (black stable worker) because of their race. Chapter 3 short answers: 1. Lennie slept in the barn because he wanted to be close to the puppies. 2. White and George talk about the merits of old Susie’s place over Clara's, it being cheaper and having nice chairs. George decides to go out with the boys. 3. Curley thinks Lennie is insulting him. 4. Lennie and Curley get into a fight and because Curley provoked
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