Vans: Key Issues Analysis

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1. What were some of the key characteristics Vans' earliest customers in the 60's and 70's? What was the public perception of these customers and their activities? The earliest customers of Vans were often introduced to the brand either by word of mouth or by seeing other peers wearing a new type of cool shoe. The boys and girls that were buying the shoes were asking for the shoes to be made in a variety of colors and patterns. The high school teens were often cheerleaders or athletics involved girls, and skateboarding and hip teens. 2. What was Vans' competitive advantage during its early days (60's/70's)? What was its value proposition to customers? Vans competitive advantage was that they were able to make their own product in the factory that they owned right here in the US. Once the company got up and rolling they were at an advantage because they could get a pair of shoes made in just 19 days from order to delivery. Earlier on in the company they would make the shoes right then and there (overnight) they were able to offer a “Baskin Bobbins” style of flavors but with the colors and fabrics they offered. A kid could ask for a shoe to be made in a bunch of different colors, or just one color but the tongue a different color. Furthermore they were at a advantage in that for just a dollar they would sell you a pair of shoes in different sizes or shapes to accommodate people with those type needs. 3. How has the company's competitive position changed over time? How has the company's value proposition changed over time? The vans company still continues to offer a high quality shoe. Back in the earlier days the shoes were described as “battle tanks” and they still offer a line of shoes that are both stylish and durable, with a great design to help with the type of core sport you are participating in. They now offer a variety of product lines

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