Value Of Hospitality In Homer's The Odyssey

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Oscar Soliver Ap English Nov.8.2012 Hospitality is defined as how respectful and generous someone treats visitors, guests, and strangers. Piety is the quality of being dutiful and being devoted. Homer’s The Odyssey reflects the significance and value of hospitality in the Greek culture, as opposed to Virgil’s The Aeneid which indicates the value of piety in the Roman culture. These civilizations had high tensions that soon led them to war and resulted in conflicts with great warriors from both cultures. In Homer’s The Odyssey we almost immediately see how essential hospitality is in Book 1, when Athena disguises herself and approaches Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. Telemachus said, “Greetings, stranger! Here in our house you’ll find a royal welcome. Have supper first,…show more content…
In this book Aeneas falls in love with Queen Dido. Their relationship becomes so serious that they made it official in a cave. Aenaes landed in the island near the coast of Libya because of the enormous waves and strong storm that occured at sea, due to Juno. After telling his story and staying for some time with his wife Dido, Jupiter sent Mercury to remind Aeneas of his task. Without hesitation Aeneas gathered his things and explained to Dido that he had to leave and proceed with his task. Dido heartbroken says, “Traitor! Did you actually hope to conceal this crime and sneak away without telling me? Does our love mean nothing to you?”(pg.87). However Aeneas committed no crime at all, it all comes back to valuing piety and being fully committed to his people that waited for him. Aeneas replied, “….The welfare of Troy would be my first concern and the remnants of my own beloved people” (pg.88). This citation helps us understand that his intentions were never to hurt anyone but to help his people. Aeneas continued with his mission together with his family and the rest of the survivors from the fall of

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