Value of Charity as a Selfless Act

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Value of Charity as a Selfless Act Motivating today’s youth to act seems like an impossible task, in a world filled with cellphones, mp3 players, and laptops teens would rather immerge themselves within these technological advances than face social interactions, teenage students are given the opportunity to give their time, donate their money and give back to the community. Teacher’s more often than not, feel the need to motivate their students with certain grade incentives in exchange for participation. The exchange of grades for charity is unacceptable, because it undermines the purpose of the charity act. Some might argue that the charitable act is enough to overshadow the reward of the grade. The grade is insignificant in comparison to the charitable act performed by the student. An equal tradeoff is also considered because the grade equals the charity. The charitable act merits the reward of the grade so it is an even exchange. Even though, it is morality is questionable it can serve as a great motivator and incentive for students and benefit the greater good. The exchange of charity for grades is morally wrong and compromises the goodness of the charitable act. Value decreases from the charity because its value lies in the goodness of the act, the act stemming from motivation to academically improve grades lowers the value of the charitable act performed by the student. Selfishness then takes on the role of the motivator rather than it being goodwill. It becomes a “you scratch my back I scratch your back” situation. Therefore, the student walks away with a higher grade but not a higher understanding of the word charity. While the handling out of grades for charity is a great incentive for students the reward of the grade goes completely against the principles of charity. Completely eliminating such incentives ensures that the people participating

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