Single Sex Schools

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One of the arguments of co-education is the idea that it provides too many distractions for students. Several scholars have argued that these distractions have led to less attention on school work and class participation, due to girls and boys trying to impress each other. Furthermore, it has also been argued that students who are intimidated by the opposite sex may also be affected by low performance and low grades. Many educators believe that single-sex education does not enforce any type of gender-based stereotypes or adolescent subculture. Due to this, single-sex schools have been established to combat these issues. Are we doing a disservice to boys and girls by keeping them segregated? Is this ethical? How will boys and girls effectively co-exist once they are no longer in school? The following paper will argue against single-sex schools and display various reasons as to how they are counter-productive to student needs. A report published in the journal Science, states that students who attend single-sex schools are no better educated than those who attend co-ed schools. Plus, children are more likely to accept gender stereotypes when they go to an all-boys or all-girls school. "There's really no good evidence that single-sex schools are in any way academically superior, but there is evidence of a negative impact," said Lynn Liben, professor of psychology and education at Penn State and co-author of the study. "Kids' own occupational aspirations are going to be limited, and there could be long-term consequences where, for example, girls are used to being in roles only among other girls, then they have to face the real world where that's not the case." Single-sex education disrupts the opportunity to enhance social skills between boys and girls. There is a significant focus on the idea of single-sex education benefiting students academically; however, they
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