Vaccination Informative Essay

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Vaccinations What Is A Vaccination? Vaccination sounds scary but it really isn’t! Being vaccinated means that the doctor will give you a tiny piece of a particular microbe that is dead, so that is safe. Vaccines won’t make you sick but it shows your body enough microbe to make sure your immune system would recognise it if it saw it again. Your body makes antibodies to the vaccine and you are then protected if that microbe ever tries to get past your first line of defence again! nce you are vaccinated, you are immune to the microbe you have been vaccinated against. You have to be vaccinated for each new microbe you need to become immune to, but sometimes a couple of vaccines are mixed together so you can do a couple at once! Usually, when you are immune to a microbe, if it invades your body again you won’t get sick. Every so often though, a microbe that you have been vaccinated against will invade your body and…show more content…
Smallpox and polio epidemics have been wiped out by mass vaccine programs. People rush to get flu shots every autumn, and kids are bombarded with a barrage of 22 required vaccinations before the age of six. Even pets need their shots. The manufacture of vaccines is a giant industry and what you pay for – inoculations and doctor visits – is big business for paediatricians, family practitioners and veterinarians. So why are more and more people worried about vaccines, especially the ones for kids? Vaccines prevent disease. It is always better to prevent disease rather than treat it- better to never get it in the first place. Vaccines prevent death. Vaccines are responsible for the control (if not eradication) of many diseases which were once common, like polio, measles, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), rubella (German measles), mumps, and tetanus. Even though most of these diseases are now rare, there are occasional outbreaks, especially in areas where many children have not been

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