Using Sherman Alexie's Story As A Model

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Journal #1 Using Sherman Alexie’s story as a model, write your own educational chronology. You do not need to include every year, but try to cover at least three. For each year, pull out one or two events or images that seem to encapsulate that year and reveal your feelings and perspective toward it. See if any underlying themes develop for you as you move from year to year. So much to tell about my experience in school! But then some years were much more interesting. As super-active, second son of a newly-hired librarian I plunged to a new American mission school in 1968. Adjusting in a small town, Nequmte, located about 160 miles south west of Addis Ababa, it was my dream going to first grade like my elder brother, Sahle. The school was small but packed beyond capacity. Most of my classmates were locals .With limited knowledge of their language I had difficulty communicating in the first few months. Our class was one of six or seven rooms. The walls were made of…show more content…
I learned how to swim in near-by ponds. And time flew fast. June , after the last day in junior high I accompanied my family moving to Addis Ababa. The high school where I started ninth grade was then very new, with many outstanding teachers. In the middle of the next year the revolution challenged the last Emperor of Ethiopia. The formal learning in high schools and all higher institutions of education was halted but I continued to read books and closely follow the uprooting of the old infra- structure. Before long Emperor Haile-Silassie was deposed of the throne. The student movement was demanding for better administration and agrarian reform. The teachers joined other intellectuals supporting and empowering the struggle. I t was a lesson in life. In front of my eyes the whole effort was hijacked by a military junta: the ‘dergue’(equivalent to mean council in

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