Using Randolph `S Model of Empowerment Explain How You Would Make Empowerment Very Sucseesful

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Using Randolph `s model of empowerment explain how you would make empowerment very sucseesful In today’s highly competitive marketplace, uncertainty in economies and constantly changing legislation, organisations themselves are forced to change in order to survive and remain competitive. Consequently the impact of downsizing, de-layering and decentralising by organisations in an effort to remain relevant means that the old methods of achieving co-ordination and control are no longer appropriate. Achieving performance in these new circumstances requires that staff take and exercise much greater responsibility. Organisations require more cross-functional working, more co¬operation between areas, and more integration in their processes if they are to meet the customers’ needs. Such co-operation can be achieved through empowerment. Contrary Randolph postulated that ‘far more companies talk about empowerment than practice it’ he added that To change to empowerment takes an understanding of what empowerment really is, knowledge of key action steps, and a dedicated effort. Such speed and flexibility of response is incompatible with the old-style command and control model of organisational functioning. Randolph proposed his three keys to empowerment in a framework known as the Randolph`s model of empowerment. The objective of this write up is to explain how implementing Randolph`s model of empowerment would make empowerment successful in organisation. In his model of empowerment Randolph postulated three keys to empowerment which are, sharing information, creating autonomy through structure and letting teams become the hierarchy. Randolph states that the first stage in the process of empowering employees is to share information with employees he added that this involves sharing performance information, helping employees understand the direction of the business and

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