Ups And Downs Of Chicago

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The Ups and Downs About Chicago When many people think of Chicago in the early 1900’s, they automatically think of pov-erty and crime. However, there is more to the city than it being a dump. Chicago is powerful from its strengths to stand up to the nation despite its difficulties. Using certain kinds of charac-ters and personification, Sandburg shows Chicago is a dangerous city by agreeing with some of the criticism by the readers who jump to conclusions about what the poem will be about but he uses strong words to give his characters’ mighty qualities to show it is strong enough to with-stand chaos with Chicago’s pride and honor. Chicago is put down and shunned by many people for the city’s negative reputation in the 1900’s. Line six mentions the painted women who are prostitutes. These evil women lure innocent farm hands. In doing so, the boys’ virginity is compromised since he farm boys are spending their money in the wrong way because they do not know any better. There is more sin such as in stanza seven when “the gunmen kill and go free to kill again”. Nobody gets punished by the law so people feel pleased to do what they want. Unfortunately, some things, like the gunmen’s’ actions are not just. Verse eight then tells us Chicago has “wonton hunger”. People are starving. The majority of Chicago’s inhabitants are broke, depressed, suffering, and miserable. Sean Robisch tells the readers that the city’s inhabitants “must fight to prevent becoming as ‘savage’ as the city, as ugly as its smoke and dust”. The city is also vulnerable since it is “half- naked” (23) and does not have proper supplies. Many people do not get fair treatment and do not have simple basic needs. Mike Angelotti says the city has “social injustice, particularly to women, children, minorities, and the working class”. Sadly, this makes up the majority of the city’s inhabitants.
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