Unit 9 P1

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Unit 9: Creative Product Promotion P1: Describe the promotional mix used by two selected organisations for a selected product service What is the promotional mix? The promotional mix is how a business attempts to communicate with various target audiences and is a key element in the overall marketing mix. It consists of four main elements which are: - advertising - personal selling - sales promotion - public relations Coca-Cola Now I am going to describe the promotional mix used by Coca-Cola. Advertising Coca-Cola uses one of the most modern and popular advertising. One of the most popular advertisements coca cola is using is the Christmas advertisement. Coca-Cola is using different types of advertising, they use: - print ads - radio - television - billboards - Banners - Brochures - Signs - In-store displays - Posters - web pages - Motion Pictures Personal selling Coca-Cola Corporation is mostly avoiding personal selling. They do however when they have large deals to make with large stores or hotels. The sales officers then contact the owners of the companies and they try sell their products directly to them. Sales Promotion Coca cola spends a lot of money advertising and even though the brand name is very popular Coca cola still uses consumer sales promotion in order to attract new customers and also to provide their existing customers with an incentive to purchase more of their product. Coca cola sponsors many events and uses those stages to promote sales. Public relations (PR) The definition of public relations is the profession or practice of creating and maintaining goodwill of an organization’s various publics. Coca Cola came up with a campaign that would encourage people to connect with the brand equally online and offline. The company swapped its usual branding on its bottles and cans with 150 of

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