Unit 44 Task 3 Prouduced by Adaugo Nwanemuogh

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Unit 44 Task 3 prouduced by Adaugo Nwanemuogh P3 & P4 In this assignment I will be writing my reflective entries related to my own contributions to work in my placement. I will also present a portfolio of evidence in placement. I did my placement in an early year’s nursery, where I was assigned to work with the babies and sometimes the two year olds. It is such a heart- warming experience working with the babies because it gave me the opportunity to learn the ways they develop, giving it a good and careful observation. I made sure I record every new development which I have observed, using the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) it helps me set standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth. My interaction with fellow staff is very effective, because when ever need something to be explained to me, it is been done in a full and understandable manner. Unit 1 communication has made my interaction with both colleagues and friends very effective in a way everyone understands each other. We support each other when needed. A month ago an incident occurred, where a two years old girl was given a strawberry milk shake. NOTE: she is severely allergic to strawberry. It was only noticed at about 20mins later when a member of staff was writing down, what she had eaten and drank for the day and noticed that she had strawberry. At this point unit 10 caring for children and young people helped me in recording (pictures) what her present skin appearance was, however she was running temperature of 39 degrees Celsius. I gave her calpol and also used a medium sized towel to make a cold compress, to help reduce her body temperature. Unit10 and unit 11 also helped me when I kept noticing that a particular baby (1yr) seemed to be wearing clothes that were meant for a 5 months old baby. At first I thought she was just getting bigger, until I checked the label
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