Unit 4 Development Throughout the Lifestages

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Unit 4 Development through the life stages Explain two theories of ageing Disengagement- This is a theory where older people will withdraw from social contact with others. Older people will disengage because of reduced physical health and loss of social opportunities which would stop them being involved. The theory was thought of by professionals due to older people being less active which means less social opportunities. Activity theory- It has been disputed that older people need to disengage however they also need to remain active both physically and intellectually. It has been said that it is not sufficient to simply provide facilities for elderly people they need to be taught how to use them in order to change fixed habits. Staying active is important for elderly people because too much disengagement would lead to mental and physical deterioration. Older people need to continue being social to avoid being completely isolated from society. Explain the physical and physiological changes which may be associated with ageing As we grow older changes take place within appearance and within the body. This is all linked through psychological changes and how the individual copes with elderly life. Physical changes- As people age there are many changes that mainly happen to the appearance of the person such as wrinkles, skin becoming thinner and less elastic. However changes also happen within the body like bones becoming less dense and more likely to break or fracture joints also become stiffer which causes bones to become thinner. The physical height of a person will decrease the cartilage between bones and joints will deteriorate which causes the leg joints and backbone to become compressed. Women are more at risk of having decreased bone strength due to the lack of oestrogen following the menopause. Other physical changes are the senses becoming
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