Sexuality in Long Term Care Facilities

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Older Adults sexuality is often an awkward and unaddressed topic due to a lack of education of staff, or family ties to the older adult. Life expectancy and the growth of the elderly population needs to induce change. Long term care facilities as well families need to recognize the potential for a sexual life to provide satisfying lives as they age. Physicians and caregivers should be open and willing to communicate with a resident about intimacy if residents desire to convey the issues they may have with sexual encounters. The elderly, particularly those in nursing homes are subject to ageism with regards to the topic of sexuality. “Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of who we are as individuals”(Hazel Health, 2011, p.14) having a sexual life whether it consists of; being intimate, holding hands or kissing affects mental health and well being. Intimacy is an expression of human’s desire for connection, not always just sex, but often leads to a sexual activity. Long term Care facilities though they must operate in full accordance with the law, they must change current policies to accommodate the rising needs of the residents. “Sexuality and the sexual needs of older people are often overlooked by society in general and particularly in long term care settings.” (Elias&Ryan, 2011, p.1673) While residents are in the care facility they must be protected from abuse, from caregivers or other residents while respecting a patients right to engage in sexual activity, if it is consensual and mental capacity is in tact. It is commonly thought that sexuality decreases with age but this seems to be a discrimination of the aged. “…interest in sex and sexuality does not diminish with age, even though levels of activity might decrease...respondents desired to have sex once a week, less than half reported weekly sexual activity.” (Elias&Ryan, 2011, p.1670) The desire to connect and
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