Unit 304 Essay

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Assignment 304 Task A Ai) What is meant by the term “duty of care” A duty of care is where the staff put the service user’s health and wellbeing first. It underlines the code of practice and should be built into your practice on a day to day level. Exercising duty of care is a legal requirement and would be tested in court in the event of negligence or malpractice. Aii) How the duty of care affects the work of a social care worker. Duty of care affects a social care worker by prompting the independence of the service user follow practice and procedures designed to keep you and others safe from violent and abusive behaviour at work. Complying with employer’s health and safety polices help service users and carers to make complaints. Aiii) what having duty a duty of care means for a care giving organisation. To help service users remember that we are not here to stop them from doing what they want to do it is about making sure service users have information about risk assess risks. If service users are happy we will get more referrals and good reports from CQC. Aiv) How the duty of care contributes to safeguarding individuals. The concept of safeguarding whether it is to children or venerable adults it is broader than protection safeguarding it is also keeping them safe of harm such as illness abuse or injury making sure every body works together prompting health preventing accidents or protecting from abuse. Protection is about what you do if you know someone has been harmed or is at imminent risk of harm. Procedures must be followed consequence if not can result in

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