Unit 3 P1

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Queen Elizabeth’s School Faculty of Business Education BTEC First in Business Assignment Briefing Document Unit 3: Financial forecasting for business Issued: Deadline: The tasks relating to your QE Enterprise Business need to be completed as part of your Unit 17 group work and deadlines will be set separately. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LEARNERS 1. Your teacher(s) will tell you how long you have to complete the assignment and the access you may have to resources. 2. Read the Assignment carefully and make sure that you understand the work you should hand in and what is required of you. If you are uncertain, discuss it with your teacher(s). 3. The ASSIGNMENT requires you to work by yourself and to produce original work. You should not share your work with any other learners. For example, if you produce an illustration diagram electronically, you should not give it to another learner. Similarly, you should not accept and use such information from others. You are required to sign that the work submitted is your own. 4. If you work in a group at any stage, you must present your own responses to each task for assessment. 5. Information taken from sources for research, e.g. Internet and textbooks, must be identified and not presented as your own work. You should list the sources used. 6. Some tasks may require Observation Records/Witness Statements. Your teacher(s) will organise for these to be completed and you must attach these to your submitted work. 7. In presenting your final work, you should not include draft work or reference materials such as handouts, not/es and leaflets, unless the tasks specifically ask you to do so. 8. Presentation of your work: • Check that you have completed all tasks. •
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