Unit 1 Essay

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Unit 10: schools as organisations 1.1 Identify the main types of state and independent schools. Community schools Voluntary aid, voluntary controlled schools Specialist schools Independent schools Boarding schools Home schools Free schools Religious schools 1.2 Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stages and school governance. Community schools – are owned by the local authority who employ staff to work in them, to attend theses schools these are some of the criteria’s if you live in the area of the school, if the child has siblings that attend the school or if the child has a disability. The local authority also provides support services, pupils who attend community schools must follow the national curriculum. Community schools also help the community by offering the use of their facilities and providing services like childcare and parent learning programmes. Voluntary controlled schools- can be known as a religious or faith school the land and buildings are owned by charity but the local education authority is responsible for running the school. Voluntary aid schools- are partly funded by the local education authority and the governing body is responsible for running it, services are provided by the local education authority if needed and all pupils must follow the schools national curriculum. Free schools- are non-profit making, state funded school that are set up in response to what the local people need in order improve the education for children in their area free schools can be set up by universities, businesses, educational groups and parents who want to make a difference. 2.1 Describe roles and responsibilities of school governors, senior management team, other statutory roles e.g. Senco teachers and support staff. Senco - are responsible
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