Unit 205 Schools as Organisations

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2.1 School Governors School Governors work as a team and come together from volunteers from the local community, parents and teachers this is so they have a adequate diversity of views and experience. The Governing body is accountable for the performance of the school, plans the schools future direction, selects the head teacher, makes decisions on the schools budget and staffing, including the performance management policy. They makes sure the curriculum is followed and taught well. Decides how the school can encourage its aims and values. School governors are at the heart of how a school operates, how they do there job effects the interests of pupils, staff and the reputation of a school in the community. Governors challenge and support the head teacher by gathering views, asking questions and having discussions on what’s best for the school. They must be prepared to take and give advice and must be loyal to their decisions taken by the governing body as a whole. Senior Management Team The senior management team work closely with the Head teacher, usually they are made up of more knowledgeable staff with the management positions made up of the Deputy Head teacher, year group leaders, Senco, and the foundation stage leader. They will meet on a regular basis to discuss issues and make decisions concerning the school or about the implementation of the school improvement plan. They will be imaginative in launching new and relevant initiatives in a way that can motivate the whole school, be diligent in keeping track of the progress these initiatives are making, summarise and review to see if any other improvements can be made. This will then be communicated to the other teachers and support staff when finalised and rolled out accordingly. SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators they play a vital role in making sure the provision for children
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