Unfair America Essay

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Spiros Psihos English 1A Prof. Gleason 10/11/11 Unfair America For many years, immigrants and low class Americans have tried to fit in with the average American. They seek nothing but the good old “American Dream.” They have been trampled on by the upper class American. Class and race has been a big aspect in American society, which determines whether you are a first-class or second-class citizen. However, while most of these people have been treated poorly, many have formed social movements to form an equal America. Immigrants and low class citizens have been treated poorly by the upper class American. In the film “Bread and Roses,” we see the exploitation and the low wages of the immigrants in their jobs, the rights to freedom of speech, and the respect to people’s job. Maya and the other janitors work very hard, harder than most high paid Americans, and get paid little to nothing. “The lucky sewing company workers got so angry when the boss’s daughter called the police on us because we wanted our back pay. They are the ones that owed us money, but they still used the police to kick us out!” (Ching Yoon Louie 50). These immigrants work hard and long hours, they deserve to get the extra pay they have worked for. The Americans see them as animals or even maybe “slaves,” which don’t deserve as much as we have. They are humans, and every human is made equal, so they should get the equal treatment they are entitled to. Some of these people have started to realize that this is not right, so they have gone out and formed social movement groups. Social Movements have been formed by many immigrants and low paid Americans to express how poorly they are being treated. In “Bread and Roses,” Maya and the janitors protest on the streets of Los Angeles and they say that they want “bread but they want roses too.” This means that they are working to eat, but they want
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