Understanding OHS Legislative Requirements

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TAFE NSW | Establish and maintain an OHS system | Topic 1 Assessment task | | | | | Table of contents Part A – Theory Review Questions. 2 1. Explain the need for a manager to understand OHS legislative requirements. Give two examples where you would need to apply this knowledge within your workplace. Explain how you can ensure compliance with the legislation. 2 2. Develop a list of OHS policies within your organisation and determine a means of communicating these policies to relevant stakeholders. Use the format prescribed below.. 2 3. In your own words, explain the purpose and function of the following and why it is important to establish consultative arrangements. 2 4. Create a matrix that outlines…show more content…
Describe two strategies that may be employed to ensure the appropriate OHS information is communicated to all employees effectively, regardless of linguistic or cultural background. 1 Part A – Theory Review Questions 1. Explain the need for a manager to understand OHS legislative requirements. Give two examples where you would need to apply this knowledge within your workplace. Explain how you can ensure compliance with the legislation. The need for the manager to under OHS legislative requirements is required to protect the employees and guests to the work site from work place injury and fatal accidents. The manager can monitor WHS legislative requirements from being subscribed to these publications and memberships; · WorkCover NSW e-bulletin; · Thomson OHS News; · National Safety Magazine (CCH/NSCA); · Standards Australia online (University Library); · CCH OHS Alert e-bulletin; · NSW Self Insurers Association During a OHS tool box meeting would a time required to understand OHS legislative requirements and another situation would be after an incident that caused an injury in the work-place, dealing with the correct…show more content…
Explain the process you would follow to identify and approve resources for OHS initiatives within an organisation. 6. Provide examples of how well developed communication skills can assist a manager when dealing with OHS information. An example of how well developed communication skills can assist a manager when dealing with OHS information is for example you’re at an introduction for new employees and you’re instructing them on how to use particular equipment and where not to stand on the work site, if your skills are poor and they miss something you said due to your poor communication skills and they do exactly what you missed in telling them and injury themselves on the work place, it’ll be the managers responsibility and they’ll be personally sued due to failure to tell them the OHS information required. Part B – Case

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