Trisomy 21 Research Papers

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Tara Purcell 2.17.11 Mrs. Kenny/HLIV Genetic Disorders Trisomy 21 There are many different problems that occur with the chromosomes of a living organism. In some cases, the effects can have a huge impact on a person's life. Trisomy 21 is one of these disorders. It is caused by a malfunction in the chromosomes during reproduction. When a baby is being made, the chromosomes pair off with each other, creating the genotypes of that organism. Even if one single chromosome is flipped or switched, it can cause severe mental and physical defects. The study on Trisomy 21, which is more commonly called Down Syndrome, began in 1866 when physician John Langdon Down published an essay describing a group of children who were distinctly different from other children with mental retardation. It was first suggested that the cause of Down Syndrome might involve differences with chromosomes in the 1930s by two genetic…show more content…
There are many tests that can be performed on a woman during pregnancy. If it cannot be detected during pregnancy, a doctor can usually determine it by the distinctive facial features a person with Down Syndrome has. A karyotype, which is an observation of the chromosomes, will confirm the presence of the three paired chromosomes. There is no way to completely rid a person of this disorder. However, with the help of tutoring and therapy, a person with Down Syndrome can succeed in school and join the working world. There is little people can do to prevent Trisomy 21 in their children. Genetic counseling, which is recommended for people who have a family history of genetic disorders, is one of the few ways. Also, the older in age a mother is, the greater the risk for her children to be born with Trisomy 21. The amount of people with Trisomy 21 differs in each country. On average, 1 in every 800 people, or 0.12% are diagnosed with this
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