Two Agencies That Work Within a School

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Name two agencies involved in safeguarding children and young people and describe their role within a school setting. 1. Social Services. Social services role is to offer support to the child, parents/carers and the school. Social services have the powers to investigate any suspected improper behaviour from carers, children or the school. They work together with the school ensure the child’s safety and that a child’s needs are met. If a referral is made by the school social services have to meet and conduct interviews with the child and the family members involved, they talk with them and get all the relevant information about the child and their circumstances, and the child’s background.. 2. Families First. Families First is a Welsh government programme designed to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families. Families first emphasise prevention and early intervention particular those families living in poverty. Depending on the families circumstances all families need different type of support and help. Complicated problems within a family will need extra support on the other hand some families may just need a little help to sort a small problem before it escalates. Families first work together with the school to give a child the best possible start in life, If a child is referred to families First then they gather information from all other agencies to make an individual assessments for a child or young person’s needs. Families First can offer support and advise for : * Parenting (help and advice for parents) * Home management * Anger management/challenging behaviour * Wishes, feelings and self esteem * School attendance * The move from primary school to secondary school (some children find it very hard to deal with transitions.) * Healthy relationships (help promote this) * Anti-social behaviour and
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