Transformational Learning Essay

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Transformational Learning Transformational learning is something more than traditional learning experiences; it usually comes when you are “entering a learning cycle with complex challenges” bringing “a new level of meaning in your life.” (Alexander, Clugson, and Tice, 2010) There are four stages to this type of learning, which include “recognizing a significant problem”, for example losing your job, “confronting it intensely” focusing on what needs to be done to rectify the problem, “finding a solution” by searching for a new job or means of income, and “integrating a new perspective and a new set of assumptions into your life pattern” when accepting and performing a new job that may differ from your previous role. Transformational learning is also something that can be stressful at times and requires some reflection in your own life to see where you have been and to see where you can go, moving forward toward new, often more challenging goals. Transformational learning can take time and patience as you learn things and take more chances, in which you may not be successful. The successes that you do have will provide motivation in trying to learn whatever you were doing over again until you achieve your ultimate goal of successful completion. Though I have gone through many transformational learning experiences, a major transformational change took place when I lost my job a few years ago. At one time, I worked for about 5 years as a Call Center Trainer for a major retail catalog clothing company, until one day, the company decided it would be cheaper to condense the call centers to one central location on the other side of the country. As they did not give anyone in my Training department the option of relocation, we were all out of work, facing the same dilemma. At that time, I could not find a job doing what I
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