Tomato- a Kind of Super Food

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Topic: Tomato---a Kind of Super Food Introduction: Attention Getter: “We eat to live, not live to eat.” I think most of you have heard about this motto of Benjamin Franklin. (Photo: Benjamin Franklin; Sources: ) Believe it or not, for the foodies, like me, eating is determined to play an important role in our life. Besides loving eat we are also trying to have a health and balanced diet since none of us want to be like this (obese) (Photo: a fat boy; Sources: ), and this (allergic) (Photo: an allergic man; Sources: In the following speech, I’d love to give you 3 benefits of this super food---tomato. (Photo: tomatoes; Sources: ) Body: The first benefit is helping digestion. We all know that the flavor of tomato is a little bit sour. This flavor comes from the organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid and others in it. These elements are helpful for digestion since they are effective to motivate the movement of our stomach. In this way, tomato is a nice alternative choice for the yoghurt. And there is less food additives in it. (Photo: tomato juice; Sources: )(Information sources: The second benefit is preventing cancer. I get the information from a TED speech. William Li is a professor concentrating on the relationship between our diet and cancers. During his study, he found that men who consume 2 to 3 servings of cooked tomatoes per week have a reduced risk for developing prostate cancer by 40 to 50 percent. Tomato also has a good performance in preventing breast cancer and pancreatic cancer. This is because the vitamin C in tomato can restrain the growth of the blood vessels which offer nutrition for the tumor. (Photo: William Li; Sources: ) The third benefit is resisting

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