To What Extent Was Operation Barbarossa a Turning Point in Attitudes Towards the Jews in Europe

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To what extent was Operation Barbarossa a turning point in attitudes towards the Jews in Europe There was definitely a turning point between 1938 and 19411 regarding attitudes towards the Jews in Europe. This is due to a combination of events, plans and policies that took place including “territorial solutions” and significant events combining together to change attitudes towards Jews. In 1941 the Nazis’ solution to the ‘Jewish problem’ was still fairly territorial. They had tried a number of plans to move the Jews out of Germany and attempted to deport them using a poorly planned attempt to move them to a Lublin reservation in Poland, within a few weeks there was a ban on new transport and the plan eventually dissolved. In 1940, the Nazis had set up ghettos in Germany and moved Jews into them as a means to isolate them and control them; they used the abandoned houses and businesses for the re-settling of ethnically German people. There was also a plan to remove the Jews to Madagascar presented by the French anti-Semites which was creatively called the Madagascar Plan; Hitler planned to move 4 million Jews during this plan. The plan failed because Britain’s Royal Navy disrupted the mass transport of Jews by sea to Madagascar. There was one more plan of deportation called Siberian Deportation or Enterferen by Hitler which meant “go into the distance”, which also failed. However, harsh conditions were endured during transportation, in the territories they were shipped to and in the ghettos. The ghettos can be interpreted as evidence that the Nazis ultimate aim was to allow as many Jews to die as possible. In June 1941, Hitler employed a different strategy called Operation Barbarossa in the war against Russia than previously seen in his strikes against other European countries. He launched an invasion on the USSR without declaration of war. The ideology was

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