To What Extent Do Modern Trends Increase The Threa

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To What Extent do Modern Trends Increase the Threat of Infectious Diseases? Throughout history mankind has battled many worldwide diseases. The existence of an invisible organism that possesses the power to affect the health of any human at will is a troublesome thought. Many people have chosen to set this thought aside and not even think about it. Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple. From our careless everyday routines we have created this invisible monster that is starting to take over and is no longer able to be ignored. Recent trends in modern society have led to an increased threat of widespread infectious diseases. Everybody knows that people die of infectious diseases everyday but not many know the exact cause. To What Extent do Modern Trends Increase the Threat of Infectious Diseases? There are two distinct sides that explain this phenomenon. The first, is the side most of the population believe that says that the people did not get the antibiotic they needed in time or they were to ignorant to see their doctor. The other side, which is supported through this research, concludes that some of these people are dying because there is no antibiotic in existence that can cure them. This body of research unveils some key underlying causes for the increased threat of infectious diseases. The spread of disease is not a chance incident as many believe, the threat of disease is increased by the public misuse of antibiotics, improper handling of food products, and ignorance manifested by mankind ignoring all of the available information given to them about protection. In our society, we see antibiotics as the cure for everything. Whenever we get sick we go to the doctor for medicine, take a few doses of it, and then expect to immediately get better. Unfortunately, we cannot always get better with medications. If you have a viral infection,
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