To Become an Anesthesiologist

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To Become an Anesthesiologist As life in high school goes on, you begin to think of what you want to become when you get older. Your answer at the end of high school may be completely different than the one that was considered in elementary school. The occupation I desire to have is an anesthesiologist. I want to do this because I enjoy relieving pain from others, and I will sufficiently be able to take care of my family. An anesthesiologist is a doctor who practices anesthesia. Anesthesiologists are physicians specializing in perioperative care, development of an anesthetic plan, and the administration of anesthetics. They help ensure the safety of patients undergoing surgery. They provide care for the patient to prevent the pain and distress they would otherwise experience. As time went on in my life, pain has been present for more than I think is necessary for anyone and I’m only 16. To be able to relieve it from others would be a great feeling. In my down times, I always wished there was someone there to relieve me from my pain whether it was mental or physical. There were certain things I couldn’t share with my mother and ask for help with, and many things I couldn’t tell anyone. My reason for becoming an anesthesiologist is to relieve the physical aspect of pain. It can be just as relieving as healing from a broken heart or even a damaged mind. I know I would be great in this field according to my Myers-Briggs Survey results. It stated that I am an ESFJ: Extravert, Sensing, Lisbon 2 Feeling, and Judging. ESFJ’s serve excellently as protectors, outstanding in the medical care field (Myers-Briggs. Survey). This tells me that I will excel in the medical field and succeed at becoming an anesthesiologist. The current best paying job is an anesthesiologist. They rank number one for a salary of $410,000. My main focus in life is my family. I want to be able to

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