Thesis on Cause and Affect

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Lacey Lamendola 9/17/14 My choice of cause and effect is a personal experience my mother went through. At age 7, Gail, was forced to live inpatient at The Walter E Fernald State School. Gail was born in 1950 and suffered from severe seizures, in the 1950’s not much was known about seizure disorders; some people thought it was even a taboo to have a child with seizures. The Walter E. Fernald State School, now the Walter E. Fernald Developmental Center (or known as the Fernald Developmental Center or simply Fernald) The Fernald Center, originally called the Massachusetts School for the Feeble-Minded, was founded by reformer Samuel Gridley Howe in 1848 with a $2,500 appropriation from the Massachusetts State Legislature. Built In 1888, the state school eventually comprised 72 buildings total, at its peak, some 2,500 people were confined there, most of them "feeble-minded" boys. More than half of the population had average IQ’s. In the 20th century the living conditions were not acceptable, they were 50 or more children in each dormitory room. Everyone complained of being abused and sexually abused. The school became popular from radiation experiments on a certain group of boys that were tested with radiation poisoned oatmeal. The outcomes were horrifying. Certain boys were bribed into being in these experiments, being bribed with baseball tickets, parties and even offered more food than usually given. The parents and children were not given proper consent or even being told exactly what was going on. According to the Boston globe, The state of Massachusetts, researchers at the Fernald School, and the Quaker Oats Company were also charged in a suit. Professor of Physics J. David Litster PhD '65, vice president and dean for research, said that MIT has not yet been served in the Beaulieu complaint. According to the government report, the Fernald School experiments
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