Columbine Reflection

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On April 20, 199 in a suburban town called Littleton, Colorado; one high school was about to have one of the most tragic and deadly days in US history. Columbine High School was in the forefront of this tragedy. Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, opened fire on their fellow classmates and teacher. These two students cut the lives short of thirteen students and one teacher. After ten years of research Dave Cullen wrote the true story of Columbine. In this Book he gets into the minds of the two teenager killers and shows us how powerful the Columbine event was. When you first think about Columbine, you automatically think “two cold blooded kids, with a horrible motive”. In Columbine I found it difficult to find the main conflict. I didn’t really see it until I finished the book. Of course I thought, at first, that it was about the shootings taking place but Dave goes deeper and shows the reader what lead up to the…show more content…
Teen depression is the great-unlearned lesson of Columbine. Six percent of U.S. adolescents suffer clinical depression. That’s 2 million kids! A good point that Dave makes in the book is that, Columbine was merely a wake up call to all of us and it’s time to act. Many teachers, peers and even parents don’t realize just how many of the people around them suffer for this disease. In the book Dave says, “Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold left warnings all around them...they recorded their vitriol on film while manipulating every adult who could have stopped them.” The fact that the two students left warnings yet no one saw them is a very scary thing. This was Dave’s message exactly, not just our country but also the entire world needs to be more cautious about the lives and feelings of those around

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