Theorist Of Early Childhood

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Early childhood Theorists There are many great theorists that have impacted the way we think and teach our young children today. Some of them that I like and agree with are Lev Vygotsky and his Sociocultural Theory. He believed children learned best through social interaction rather than solitude. He believed the opposite of John Piget that believed children learn more through being solitary. I really think that all young children learn best through play and interaction with adults but also their peers. Lev introduced the Zone of Proximal development concept which helps teachers and young educators see what the child can do on their own but also with a more competent partner such as a teacher or peer. This is a great way to help teachers see where the child stands and where they need help. Lev also believed that communication between the child and teacher or parent was very important. He refers to a term called scaffolding which means when support of some kind is given from a teacher or caregiver to do things they cannot otherwise do alone. I really like Lev’s way of thinking about experience and development. He believed that children grow from experiences so we as the care giver should provide them a great and full learning environment. I myself think young children learn from the experiences they have and interaction with others helps them grow and develop. I think that children learn the best through hands on and how we as teachers teach them. I like Jean Piaget and his constructivist learning theory. Jean liked to look at the way humans learn and develop intellectually starting at birth through life span. With Lev Vygotsky they formed Constructivism which is a cognitive theory and development. Helps us see what to teach and how to teach it to the child based on their cognitive development. I really agree with this theory because children

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