Theme Of Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“Of Mice and Men” The book "Of Mice and Men" tells a story about loneliness. It can be a simple as getting along with the men on the ranch or isolate yourself from everyone. Depending on people at this ranch is out of the question,depend on but yourself and you would get by. Curlys wife, Curly, and Crooks stood out to me as lonely characters. If you lived on the ranch with no one you really knew you would get lonely too. These three people would be the worst people to be friends with because of there actions and there behavior. The most isolated person in the book was"Crooks".I say this because he does not hangout with anyone unless he has to. Crooks distance himself from everyone on the ranch because of his skin color. Crooks does not associate with many people which causes him not to have many friends. He is also a hard worker,as soon as he finishes he goes to his bunk and stays quite till the day is over. Crooks does not even try to get alone with anyone because he feels excluded from all the other men on the ranch. He got the name " Crooks" by an accident when a horse kick him in the back. Crooks personality makes him not have any friends, he is not the type of person who would want friends. If he wanted friends he would have made a little more of an effort and talk to the other men in the ranch.…show more content…
She would always start trouble with everyone on the ranch. When she wants to talk to the men on the ranch they do not respond to her because they don't want to put up with Curly more than they have to. Curly is the only guy on the ranch that would talk to her.I found it funny how Curlys wife does not even like Curly and she puts up with him because she needs someone to talk to. If Curlys wife was important to people they would have took the time out of there day and gave her a name. Curlys wife to me manipulate people into getting what she
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