The Working Memory Model

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Describe and Evaluate the Working Memory. There are many different models in a person’s memory. My aim is to describe and evaluate the Working Memory model. Baddeley and Hitch (1974) suggested that the short-term memory store should be sub-divided. Instead of short-term memory, they used the phrase ‘working memory’ to reflect their view that this is the area of memory that is active when you are working on information. Working memory consists of the following parts: The different components of the Working Memory have certain functions to help information pass through the short-term store into the long term store. The first part of the Working Memory model is the central executive; it is the controller of this model. This component is the main part of the Working Memory as it allocates resources to other components. It is not visual or auditory. It is basically the same as attention, when a person concentrates on sensory or mental events. It is responsible for a range of important control processes, these are: setting task goals, monitoring and correcting errors and starting the rehearsal process. Information is then allocated to one of the two ‘slave systems’. The first slave system is the visuospatial sketchpad/scratchpad, also known as the inner eye, and is a temporary memory system. This takes control of visual information, such as people’s faces. It can be described as the writing pad for visual data. The second slave system is the phonological loop. This deals with verbal information and preserves the order of it. Information passes round and round this loop while information is rehearsed. The loop consists of two parts, both are temporary storage systems. The first is the phonological store, which is a temporary storage system for holding verbal information. It allows an individual to rehearse information acoustically, like an inner ear. Its main
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