The Wonderful World of Sugar Gliders

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Sugar gliders are indigenous to the Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and the neighboring islands of Indonesia, This mean that they are used to hot climates and rain. They have really great personalities as long as you actually give them love and affection, if you do not give them the things they need or a play mate then you could get a very aggressive sugar glider.The sugar glider is also a member of the same class that includes Kangaroos, Opossums, Bilby, Wombats and Tasmanian devils belong to. They also are named for a reason – they have a sweet tooth. Their main source of sugar comes from the eucalyptus tree; by tearing into its bark they can get at the sweet honey-like sap, But also they are omnivorous in nature, often preying upon insects and insect larvae, as well as birds, bird eggs, small lizards, and arachnids in the summer months, and turning to plant products in the winter months: nectar, fruits, leaves, sap, and pollen. In conclusion the sugar glider is a very small animal that needs a lot of attention and also a playmate! A play mate could be another female or male, it could just be a friends sugar glider just to have someone to play with all the time and if you have a male and a female then you could have babies, which they have between 2- 4 babies, in the wild they only have 2 litters a year but being domesticated they can have between 2- 3 litters a year: their normal time to get pregnant is august till november, then they are only pregnant for 12 weeks all together. While you’re sugar glider is pregnant she might be very aggressive because they hold their young in a pouch and if the baby comes loose of the mothers tit then it will die because the joey can not reattach to the mothers tit, so means that if you move her around a lot while she is carrying the babies they can come loose and not be able to live. After 9 weeks the babies will

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