The Use Of Guns In Society

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10/18/11 Thesis Even though many people would disagree: Today’s gun owners should not only register their guns new and old, but they should also be required to take an extensive gun safety class that they would be required to pass before they could carry a weapon. Gun owners should be held responsible for any crimes or actions that were taken do to the use of their registered fire arms regardless of how it was used. In the State of Arizona with the “Department of Public Safety “, it is a requirement for a gun owner to have a permit before carrying a concealed weapon. Arizona has the most leniencies on the registration of guns. I feel if we had stricter gun laws that our crime rates would plummet. If we held more people accountable then we would not have to worry as much about our children and public safety. Because of the enormous responsibility a gun owner carries, they should be required to submit their criminal or otherwise, background information before they are registered to carry a weapon. If Arizona citizens would enact a law that requires an extensive background test that would include any medical or criminal history then this would help law enforcement to keep better track of guns in our state. Also if the background history of a person who has a mental or criminal history that has a gun registration then they should be revoked and never be allowed to carry a weapon. In my opinion there are too many people in today’s society that have guns and are either mentally impaired, angry or holding grudges against other people that could snap one day and start a shooting out of anger. Gang members are a fine example of shooting others to protect their gang. Finally if a registered gun is used in any form of crime, then the law enforcement should be allowed to arrest or fine the registered owner of the weapon depending on the circumstance of the crime.

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