The Tempest Act 1

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How does Shakespeare introduce the main themes of The Tempest in act 1? Shakespeare’s characterisation in the play plays a pivotal role in encapsulating the ever so controversial themes The Tempest effusively conveys. The era of the play is the Jacobean and all such Jacobean context creates the foundation on which the play is written and hence viewed due to the inextricable link between politics and theatre. Polysemy is another pivotal area in which Shakespeare fashions this play. Upon his characterisation of the protagonist, Prospero, Shakespeare leaves various parallels between Prospero and himself through Prospero’s creation of the enigma that is the tempest. A parallel is also made apparent between Prospero and James the 1st in that they were both rulers by divine right and delved into peculiar philosophies. Shakespeare utilises the tempest as an allusion within an illusion. The political relevance of the tempest is very lucid; he addresses the political instability amongst the nobles of the play as a connotation to the current political problems in Jacobean England. The short terse sentences along various repetitions and imperatives serve to denote calamity in the ship. Perhaps the tempest is a double entendre, both representing the current ship of state in Jacobean England, but further contextual reading appropriates more directly to James the 1st and his own encounter with a storm from on his voyage from Denmark to Scotland. Shakespeare’s use of polysemy comes into play when addressing the tempest, the pun in ‘roarers’ is apparent as he is both addressing the waves and the garrulous nobles, questioning their value on the ship as well as metaphorically belittling the king and his futility on the ship at its current state. Contextual information can again draw a parallel the gunpowder plot in 1605, Shakespeare’s allegorical use of the ship in its turmoil
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