Tempest Questions Essay

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1. What is the "social storm" which occurs in the opening scene? 2. How do Gonzalo, Antonio and Sebastian behave during the storm? What clues to their characters do you get in this scene? 3. What is Miranda's reaction when she sees the ship run aground? What does this tell us about her character? 4. Ariel and Caliban are probably the two most striking characters in The Tempest. Compare andcontrast them on a separate sheet of paper, citing lines from the play to support your writtenanalysis. Note what kinds of words Shakespeare uses to describe each character, with whatactivities and actions each is associated, and what their attitudes are toward Prospero. In what ways are Ariel and Caliban opposites? In what ways are they similar? 5. In Scene 2, lines 89–105, Prospero admits that he neglected his duties as a ruler. Reread this passage and decide what major fault Prospero possessed as a ruler. Then explain what qualities you think a modern ruler of a country or state needs. What characteristics might be especially harmful in a modern-day ruler? Note an example of both a good and a bad leader and explain what personal qualities he or she displays. 6. What kind of "tempest" does Prospero stir up? Explain the storm metaphor for this play. For example, what does the storm at the outset of the play do to notions about rank, worth, and so forth? 7.Act I is full of challenges to authority (Boatswain to king/courtiers; Antonio’s overthrow of Prospero; Ariel and Caliban question Prospero’s right over them; Prospero accuses Ferdinand of wanting to take over the island). Find quotations that illustrate each of these challenges. For each example, is the questioning of authority justified? Why or why not? ACT ONE What exactly are the Boatswain and the crew trying to do in the first part of this scene? What is the "social storm" which occurs in
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