The Stages of Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis.

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Toshiba | The stages of cellular respiration and photosynthesis. | Biology 1 | Jasmin Perez 6/5/2013 | Cellular respiration has three stages. The first stage is called Glycolysis, from there, the second stage is called Citric Acid cycle, and the final stage is the Electron transport chain. All three of these processes help the cell to create ATP which is what our body needs for energy. Cellular respiration does a lot more than just creating energy for us, it also helps us breathe and control our sugars. So the first stage of cellular respiration is glycolysis which is one of the most important stages because inside this stage the six-carbon glucose is split into two called the pyruvic acid which is located inside the cytoplasm. Glucose provides the energy to make ATP, and that is what helps our cells to work. During glycolysis, six-carbon glucose is broken in half forming two three carbon molecules. In order for the split to occur it needs energy of two ATP molecules. To be able to produce two molecules of ATP there has to be one molecule of glucose. The three carbon molecules donate high-energy electrons to NAD (NAD is the first step the electrons take from glucose to oxygen) where it is reduced to NADH, this happens because the electrons have transferred their fuel. Glycolysis makes four ATP molecules directly when enzymes transfer phosphate groups from fuel molecules to ADP (adenosine diphosphate ). By the end of the glycolysis the fractured glucose molecules forms two molecules of pyruvic acid, which holds most of the energy of glucose. With the pyruvic acid holding most of the energy of glucose, it is able to harvest it for the second stage of cellular respiration. First before the pyruvic acid is ready for stage two it will have to lose a carbon as CO2, so with only two carbons left in the remaining fuel molecules they become arctic acid

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