Lipids Verses Carbohydrates

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Angela Johnson GE150 08/03/2014 Unit 7 Lipids versus Carbohydrates Your body stores energy in the form of triglycerides, each triglyceride contain three fatty acid compounds bound to glycerol chemical backbone. Most triglycerides are stored in adipose tissue made up of fat cells distributed throughout your body. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen a large number of carbohydrate molecules are made up hundreds or thousands of smaller units of glucose, a simple sugar. Your body can also convert carbohydrates into fat for long term energy storage. Carbohydrate is the universal energy cell. Carbohydrate breakdown, glycogen serves as a source of glucose for your cells, your tissues, including your brain and muscles use glucose as a source of energy to support metabolic functioning. When your body requires glucose your liver and muscle breakdown their glycogen stores releasing glucose. Some glucose may be used directly in your liver and muscles while other glucose is released into your blood stream and used throughout body. Lipid break down, your body can breakdown triglycerides as a source of energy. If your body requires energy and glucose isn’t available your adipose tissue begins to breakdown fatty acids into molecules that your cells can use as energy. Lipid breakdown proves important weight loss. Your body uses energy from stored fat to maintain your tissue. So if you lose fatty tissue you lose weight. Carbohydrates affect endocrine system, gastrointestinal system, liver, pancreas, brain, blood, kidney, muscles. Lipids affect cells, gastrointestinal system. Fats, oils, some vitamins and hormones and most non-protein components of cell membranes are lipids. Each gram of carbohydrate stores 4 calories of energy each gram of lipids stores 9 calorie of energy. Lipids serve as a more compact way to store energy per gram than carbohydrates. Your body tends to

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