The Sin Bin or Lucy's Heart.

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The Sin Bin or Lucy’s Heart is a short story written by Lucy Cross in 2000. The short story is about love, popularity, friendship and violence. But the part, there is the most important genre in this short story, must be identity, finding out who you are. It is definitely the problem, who the main character Lucy have. The story is about a girl named Lucy Cooke, who’s sitting in detention at her school. She is normally a grade A student, but now she is sitting in detention and drawing, together with an ugly boy and a teacher called Mr. Paterson. Mr. Paterson asks her why she is in detention, and she tells him that she has hit a girl named Penny Jones. Mr. Paterson acts like he is shocked and asks if it is because of her friend, Bethan Preece. But Lucy tells him that it is not. But it is, it is all because of Bethan. Before Lucy became friends with Bethan, she was a grade A student. You could characterize Lucy as a geek. She always made her homework, did not skip any class. She was a really intelligent and well behaved student. And she were friends with Penny Jones. Now, even though her grades are still good, she is hanging out with Bethan who is one of the most popular girls at school. She is obviously not friends with Penny anymore because she hit her and of course it was Bethan, who made her do it, as a test to prove Lucy's loyalty. Lucy knows deep inside, it were wrong to hit Penny, but she wants so badly to be friends with Bethan. Lucy do not want to disappoint Bethan, because Bethan is like her role model. Bethan is bad influence on Lucy, because she make Lucy become a different person. Lucy’s mom, do not want Lucy to be with the tough girls, like Bethan is, either. Lucy and Bethan’s relationship is weird. Bethan is like a best friend to Lucy, but then again. It is Bethan who tells Lucy what to do and who to be. Lucy does not have a choice, if she want to
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