The Second Messenian War

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Between the years of 685 BC to 668 BC, the Second Messenian War was a war between the Ancient Greek states of Messenia and Sparta. In the First Messenian War, Sparta invaded and conquered a massive area of land to the west of their city-state called Messenia, and forced the Messenian population to slavery. In the Second Messenian War, they rose in revolt and the Spartans quickly took control back. As a result of this war, Spartan society developed into a strong militaristic power in the Mediterranean, completely changing the structure of their society, in order to control the slave masses along the Peloponnese, and prevent further rebellions brought on by the helots. This war also lead Sparta on an opposite path, compared to other Greek City States, such as Athens, where being a philosopher, or an artist was considered to be of higher status than being a warrior. In his Life of Lycurgus, Plutarch provides us with a detailed account of the reforms attributed to the legendary lawgiver. Plutarch combined the story of Lycurgus' visit to the shrine of Apollo at Delphi with the tradition that it was he who gave the Spartans a constitution. According to Plutarch, Lycurgus obtained from the oracle of Apollo at Delphi a Rhetra, which laid down the constitution that the Spartans should adopt. The system adopted by the Spartans meant that they were always in a state of military preparedness, the system had the training of war as its main focus; which made sense only if they had any immediate threats. In acquiring Messenia lands, they acquired a slave population that needed constant vigilance. From early childhood after the Second Messenian War, the Spartan males were trained in a system called the Agoge; an intensive training method designed to toughen up them up so that they could endure the hardship and deprivation of war. An example of this is shown in that of a young

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