Xerxes Dealing with Revolts

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Xerxes dealt with the Revolts; Revolts in the Empire; Egypt: - Before the death of Darius, the Satrap of Egypt rose in revolt o Protest against the heavy taxes imposed by the Persians o It was believed that Darius increased taxation to fund his expedition into Greece and Building program – Cook - Xerxes inherited the revolt with the death of Darius o Xerxes dissipated the revolt with relative ease o There is a common misconception regarding Xerxes treatment of the Egyptian’s, mainly due to the probable biased recounts of Herodotus. o Herodotus exhibits a colourful interpretation of Xerxes angrily venting his wrath upon the Egyptians and abandoning the tolerant policy of his predecessors. This questionable account of Xerxes efforts in Egypt conflicts with Grangers modern interpretation of Ancient Persia in An Assessment of Xerxes Reign. o Administration aimed to maximize economic return for the imperial coffers o The view that Xerxes treated Egypt harshly after the rebellion is not tenable. o Instead, Xerxes took Pharaonic titles and donated to temples o Kharga Oasis illustrates the imperial government’s desire to extend agricultural production and to keep firm control over revenue raised from renting watercourses - Due to the misconceptions of ancient historians, such as; Herodotus, there is an element of uncertainty surrounding Xerxes retaliations of the Egyptian Revolt. However, due to the work of the Modern historian, Russell Granger, there is a better understanding with regards to the suppression of the Egyptians under Xerxes rule. Babylon: - Xerxes continued his preparations for the invasion of Greece, however two revolts hindered Xerxes preparations; in 484BC a rebellion was started, by a man named Bel-shimanni in the city of Babylon o Dandamaev suggests; burdensome taxation, deportation of people to Persepolis, resenting paying for upkeep
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